Decoding Spiritual Mysteries
I am Dr. Chiaku Hanson. Welcome to my podcast. As you may or may not know, life is spiritual. We are not just human beings, we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Everyone was born with a special purpose and if you do not know your purpose, you cannot operate in your true identity, nor access your God given destiny. This is a spiritual Podcast and it was designed to help people define their true self (The God Self), by discovering their destiny and identity, through the decoding of spiritual mysteries. One must understand spiritual law and the mysteries, in order to transcend. Life and death is in the power of the tongue. Lest Satan should get an advantage over us, for we are not ignorant of his devices. 2 Corinthians 2:11May this podcast help with enhancing your life.
Instagram : @drchihanson
Website : www.doctorchiaku.com
Email: chatwithdoctoralchi@gmail.com
Decoding Spiritual Mysteries
Agreement & Participation Is a Spiritual Covenant
Did you know that agreement and participation can form a spiritual covenant? As a child, you were powerless and had no choice but to tolerate parents, family members, teachers, siblings, neighbors, and peers. However, as an adult, you gain the power and agency to make decisions and avoid uncomfortable situations. If you come from an abusive past, you may still respond like a child who feels stuck, especially if the trauma remains unresolved. Therefore, your responsibility as an adult is to heal the wounds caused by others. If you don’t, you may find yourself in an unconscious agreement and participation in those harmful dynamics.